An overview of the strategies implemented in Yolo County and helpful links and resources to talk with children about Covid-19 and keep them busy and engaged.
Update: Yolo County Health Officer orders Shelter-in-Place to help combat COVID-19. For detailed information about COVID-19 and further guidance regarding this order, visit the Yolo County webpage. For the Health Officer Order, click here. The County will also be releasing a shelter in place 101 document that will be available on the webpage. First 5-funded […]
A helpful infographic from Tools to Grow.
An article detailing ways to be your child’s best education advocate.
In mid-August, First 5 joined with fellow early childhood advocates to launch All Together Now, a new campaign and rallying cry to amplify the need to make policies, practices, and systems better for California’s kids.
This video from the Center on Developing Child at Harvard University breaks down serve and return into 5 simple steps.
For more information about child abuse and neglect, view this tipsheet.